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Fit For Control Unit for Maruti Alto - 33920M66L30 - MARUTI SUZUKI
Note : Import duty / taxes, if any will be paid by the buyer.
Most of the items are made to order & usually takes 15-20 working days to ship
Please refer to the model description and compatibility with your vehicle before buying/ bidding for early models. Since items are handmade & most items are made to order, therefore, no two items can be identical and there can be little variation in the same. Also, the colour of the item received may vary a little from the colour in the picture, which please note.
Although we take utmost care in sending raw tanks, raw mudguards and other raw items in excellent condition, but if the same is delayed in shipment or not taken care of properly after receiving it then it might get little rusty. The rust if any can be easily taken care of at the time of getting the item chromed or painted of your choice and rust cannot be treated as a reason to return the item, which please note.
It is requested from our customers to not to accept packages in damaged or wet condition from the courier and put a remark for the same in writing with them. We cannot assume any responsibility for accepting packages in the above condition.